Project Room Event

Project Room Event

Curators: Barbara Borčić and Dušan Dovč
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2005

Project Room SCCA, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
September 12, 2005, from 9 pm to 12 pm

On the occasion of the 12th anniversary of AKC Metelkova mesto (Authonomous cultural centre Metelkova City) the SCCA-Ljubljana invited friends, colleagues, collaborators and other visitors to the Project Room to attain an opening of exhibition of video works. The program included various genres from video travelogue and home video to video installation.

The event was also an opportunity for the visitors to get acquainted with 21 video clips (Videodokument), 21 software translations of art practices (Internet Portfolio), with Artservis Collection and World of Art educational program.

Works at exhibition

Andrej Lupinc – Lupo, In Eight Minutes Around the World, 8′ 20”
TV Slovenija & A. L., 1990-2000
Andrej Lupinc – Lupo, In Eight Minutes Around the World

Sašo Sedlaček, Picnic on a Dump, 8′ 57”
S.S., 2004
Sašo Sedlaček, Picnic on a Dump

Neven A. Korda, Reincarnation on a preparated monitor
videoobject, 2005
Neven A. Korda, Reincarnation on a preparated monitor Neven A. Korda, Reinkarnacija na prepariranem monitorju

Damijan Kracina & Katarina Toman Kracina, Marmelade, 4′
D.K., 2004
Damijan Kracina in Katarina Toman Kracina, Marmelade