Random Tape Destruction (2010)

Random selection from DIVA Station

Concept and method: Andrej Pezelj
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana 2010
Duration: 73:34

Unbiased selection from DIVA Station archive was made with random footages of videos longer than five and shorter than twenty minutes. The index numbers of the preview DVD covers were shot with a video camera on miniDV that was later randomly mechanically damaged. The deformation of the tape marked the work that was selected. Density of information and non-transparent magnetic tape prevented any bias choice.

(Program was first shown on 15. 10.2010, as a part of the seminar How to connect contents of AV archives? at the Vžigalica. Gallery in Ljubljana.)

Rok Sieberer – Kuri, Too blind to see, 6′
Media Teror, 2000
Rok Sieberer – Kuri, Too blind to see

Boštjan Kavčič, Let’s garden!, 8′ 58”
Boštjan Kavčič, 2004
Boštjan Kavčič, Let's garden!

Zvonko Čoh, Milan Erič, Cigar for a Prince, part of the animation Socialisation of the bull, 11′ 09’’
Emotion Film in TV Slovenija, 1995
Zvonko Čoh, Milan Erič, Cigar for a Prince

Nora de Saint Picman, Orpheus, 14′ 31”
Nora de Saint Picman, 1997
Nora de Saint Picman, Orpheus

Jasna Hribernik in Zmago Lenárdič, Elsa and Lohengrin, 3′
VPK, 1997
Jasna Hribernik in Zmago Lenardič, Elsa and Lohengrin

Jasna Hribernik, Carte Postale, 6′ 18”
VPK, 1997
Jasna Hribernik, Carte Postale

Apolonija Šušteršič, Kees van Zelst, Entrance de Singel, 5′ 50”
Apolonija Šušteršič, Kees van Zelst, 1997
Apolonija Šušteršič, Kees van Zelst, Entrance de Singel

Apolonija Šušteršič, Kees van Zelst, Studio 016, 2′ 11”
Apolonija Šušteršič, Kees van Zelst, 1995
Apolonija Šušteršič, Kees van Zelst, Studio 016

Mirko Simić, Anti Nazy Mix, 9′ 11”
Mirko Simić, 1993
Mirko Simić, Anti Nazy Mix

Uršula Berlot, Installations 2004-2007, 5′ 14”
Uršula Berlot, 2007
Uršula Berlot, Installations