11. 01. 2024Alexandra Halkin and Chiapas Media Project/ProMedios

Alexandra Halkin and Chiapas Media Project/ProMedios announcement

Lecture and screening, 11 January 2024, Slovenian Cinematheque, Miklošičeva 28, Ljubljana
In cooperation with Slovenian Cinematheque, SCCA-Ljubljana is hosting Alexandra Halkin, a director, producer, film curator and writer from Chicago, USA. In her lecture, she will present her work and the beginnings of cooperation with Zapatista communities, as well as the creation of the bi-national cooperation Chiapas Media Project/ProMedios (Mexico/USA), which she founded in 1998 in cooperation with the local community. The organization established indigenous community media centers where the communities produced their own videos that documented community life and the impact of militarization, human rights abuses, cultural and religious events, cooperatives and women’s work, some productions were in their own languages. She will also present the establishment of the Center for the Preservation of Community Audiovisual Archives (CEPAAC) in Chiapas and the current work on the feature film about the Chiapas Media Project/ProMedios archive If we film it, it’s the truth, as well as her many years of work in Cuba supporting community media projects and independent filmmakers under the auspices of the Americas Media Initiative, of which she is the founder. The lecture will be followed by a screening of a video programme from the Chiapas Media Project/ProMedios archive together with two animated films, which she created in collaboration with a group of Cuban animators and musicians during the pandemic.


23. 11. 2023Back2Back: Tadej Vaukman

Back2Back: Tadej Vaukman

Talk and screening, 24 November 2023, SCCA Project Room, Ljubljana
Back2Back is a series of events where we invite local and international authors to present their production and establish a dialogue with works of their choice from the DIVA Station archive. In November we invited independent artist, photographer and publisher Tadej Vaukman.
Participating: Miha Vipotnik, Ana Nuša Dragan, Marijan Osole – Max, Marko A. Kovačič, Duba Sambolec.


26. 09. 2023DIVA Station is part of the Focus Slovenia programme at the BEAST International Film Festival

BEAST International Film Festival 2023

BEAST International Film Festival presents the best cinema from Central and Eastern Europe in Portugal. This year, BEAST dedicates its Focus Country section to the exhilarating cinematic scene of Slovenia. The program director of the festival, Teresa Vieira, prepared a curated programme in two parts: DIVA — FEAST & BODY.
Participating: Zemira Alajbegović, Martina Bastarda, Vesna Bukovec, Ana Nuša Dragan, Neven Korda, Mateja Ocepek, Nataša Prosenc Stearns, Duba Sambolec, Dario Seraval, Nataša Skušek, Apolonija Šušteršič
Both programmes will be screened on 1 October 2023 at Cinema Passos Manuel, Porto.


5. 09. 2023VideoGarden.13

Screening and talk on Thursday, 7 September 2023, 8 pm at the inner courtyard of Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana.
“I chose works that remind me of the past. Thematically and/or aesthetically. It’s a difficult feeling to explain, and I don’t know what exactly in the works evokes it. Maybe the colours, the sound, the story … A certain nostalgia creeps in, quite randomly and inexplicably, as if I were a joyful 13-year-old again. It is this carefree, relaxed and humorous quality that the selected works evoke in me. They surprise and make me smile again and again; they calm me down in tense times and remind me of better days. Perhaps time is not so fleeting after all.” – Vita Weisseisen
Participating: Nataša Berk, Jasna Hribernik, Zmago Lenardič, Polonca Lovšin, Ema Paš, Đeni Rostohar, Nataša Skušek, Mladen Stropnik, Aleksandar Tendjer, Miha Vipotnik, Maja Žiberna.
Curator: Vita Weisseisen


30. 08. 2023VideoGarden.12

Screening and talk on Thursday, 31 August 2023, 8 pm at the inner courtyard of Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana.
Bonobostudio is a company specialised in the production and distribution of short animated and experimental films. It was founded in Zagreb in 2008 as a place for creativity and innovation in experimental animation. Films in this selection represent bold and playful spirit of their filmmakers, deconstructing and reconstructing narratives and exploring topics ranging from deceptive memory to illusive reality.
Participating: Artists: Dalibor Barić, Ana Hušman, Miro Manojlović, Ollie Magee, Pekka Sassi, Alexander Stewart
Curator: Vanja Andrijević